Telemental Health | Family Counseling Service of Aurora

Provides psychiatric services via telehealth/video phone

Date of Last Formal Update


Data provided by

211 DuPage County

Physical Address

70 South River Street, Aurora, IL 60506-5178


Monday to Thursday, 8:30 am - 9:00 pm Saturday, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm



Public Phone

Application process

(1) Call to speak to a staff member and provide some basic information, including (but not limited to) name, address, date of birth, and health insurance if covered (2) Staff will either schedule an intake appointment, or call back within one business day to schedule one


Medicaid, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Private insurance, Sliding-scale, Self-pay


English, Spanish

Agency info

Family Counseling Service of Aurora

Offers Behavioral Health services for children, adults, families, older adults and first responders, as well as substance abuse care.