Customed Employment department supports adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to find jobs in the community. Customized Employment Process: Discovery: Discovery helps to learn about a client's strengths and interests through observation, conversation, and spending time with clients to help find jobs that fit their goals. Family and friends are also interviewed to learn about a client's likes, dislikes, and strengths. Two home visits and a community visit are conducted. Job Development: Employment Specialists teach social and communication skills needed to be successful at work. They support with touring businesses, job shadowing, and finding a job match. Also provide help creating a resume to give to potential employers. May begin with volunteering so that clients can gain experience and grow skills. Employment Support: After a client is hired, Employment Support develops accommodations and supports for the job. Employment Support forms a relationship with the employer and provides support to expand job roles. Provide initial job coaching for 2-4 weeks.

Date of Last Formal Update


Data provided by

PATH Inc. 211

Physical Address

44 E. Main Street, Champaign, IL 61820


Mon-Fri: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm.


Some services may require membership ($25 per family per year). Must complete intake with Membership Coordinator.


- Adults age 18+. - Individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities. - Resident of area served.

Agency info