RAMP works with students and their families to learn the laws that protect the rights of a student with a disability, how to navigate the maze of community services, and to learn the skills required to achieve their goals. Services include: - Legal rights training. - Self-Advocacy Skills training. - Information & Referral. - Peer Support. - Independent Living Skills training. - Transition Planning guidance. - Educational workshops. - Assistance with letter writing. - Attendance at IEP, 504 or other related meetings. RAMP also currently offers three curriculums to local private and public school districts: - iBelong: Disability Awareness curriculum intended for grades Pre-K - 6, focusing on acceptance, believing in oneself, and how actions and attitudes affect others. - Ignite: Prepares 7th and 8th grade students who have IEPs to be active participants in their transition plan. - Teens 'N Transition (T'NT): Engages high school students with high incidence disabilities in many topics including education, employment, and living independently after the completion of high school.

Date of Last Formal Update


Data provided by

PATH Inc. 211

Physical Address

202 Market Street, Rockford, IL 61107


Mon-Thu: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Fri: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm.


No fees.


- Ages 21 and younger. - Have a disability or suspected disability. - Have a barrier to their educational or independent living goals.

Agency info