Low Cost Legal Help and Coaching - Administer Justice - Goodnews Church Chicago

Administer Justice provides a wide range of services to meet both the immediate and future needs of low-income individuals facing civil legal matters once monthly at a participating community justice center. They help with cases involving: divorce/custody, landlord/tenant, debt/collections, estate planning, immigration and criminal records.

Date of Last Formal Update


Data provided by

211 Metro Chicago

Physical Address

5644 South Oakley Avenue, Chicago, IL 60636


Sat 9:00am - 12:00pm; First Saturday of the month, 9:00am to 12:00pm

Application process

Call or text (855) 818-4554 to speak with a support specialist to book an appointment, or visit www.administerjustice.org/gethelp to find the center nearest you to book your appointment online.


There is a one-time $30 copay for your appointment. You may come back to follow-up on your Next Steps plan at no additional cost.


Open to the general public



Service area

AL, United States AZ, United States GA, United States IL, United States IN, United States NC, United States NM, United States SC, United States TN, United States TX, United States

Agency info

Administer Justice

Administer Justice is church-based legal ministry that provides legal advice and referrals on a variety of civil legal issues through a team of caring volunteers. Our justice centers are located in local churches and usually open once a month for 3-4 hours (often on Saturdays). There is a $30 copay for a 45-minute appointment. Our National Support Center will help you book an appointment - call or visit in-person to schedule an appointment.