Provides the following library services to residents of the city of Naperville: - Books (including eBooks), audiobooks, movies, video games, board games, music, and periodicals. - Large print collection. - Laptops, hotspots, and projectors for checkout. - Programs and activities for patrons of all ages. - Computers with internet and word processing, fax machines, copiers, scanners and other equipment. - Media studios (available at 95th Street Library). - 3D printing requests. - Interlibrary loan. - Home delivery. - Curbside service. - Exam proctoring. - Study rooms. - Federal and state tax forms and instruction booklets (available during tax season). - Free tax assistance for low-income households in partnership with Ladder-Up (available during tax season). - Business Services Team. - NaperLaunch Academy. - Coworking space. - Meeting and conference rooms. - Mentoring and discussion groups. - Early literacy services. - Sensory bags (for toddlers and children). - Genealogy assistance. - Local history resources.

Date of Last Formal Update


Data provided by

PATH Inc. 211

Physical Address

2035 S. Naper Boulevard, Naperville, IL 60565


Mon-Fri: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm. Sat: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. Sun: 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm.


- No fees for library cards or general library services for residents of area served. - Contact for more information for non-resident library card fee. - No overdue fees. Items 120 days or more overdue are not eligible for return or refund. - Items borrowed through Interlibrary Loan may be subject to the lending library's fine schedule. - Patrons are responsible for fees for lost or damaged materials. - Photocopy and printing fees vary.


- Library Cards: No restrictions, fee for non-area residents. - Library Services: No restrictions for general library services for cardholding patrons.

Agency info