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Offers out-of-school youth an opportunity to participate in training for certificate and degree programs, which will assist in obtaining marketable skills for employment in their desired field of study. Benefits and services can include: - Career Counseling & Support. - Tuition & fees. - Textbooks & class supplies. - Mileage reimbursement to and from classes. - Childcare reimbursement while in class. - Employment readiness training. - Referral to community services. - Job shadowing. Short-Term Training Options: - Administrative Assistant/Application Specialist. - Automated engineering tech certificates. - Automotive or collision repair technology. - Basic nurse assistant. - Computer-aided design certificates. - Computer information systems certificates. - Diesel power/equipment repair tech. - EMT or Paramedic. - Energy, electricity, or electronics/A+ Prep certificates . - Forklift operator. - High School equivalency preparation. - Horticulture certificates. - Medical billing and coding. - Pharmacy technician. - Retailing certificate. - Truck driver training. - Welding tech certificate.


Vocational Education
Occupation Specific Job Training
Designed to disrupt justice involvement among young adults by providing rewarding alternatives that lead to employment, career advancement and reduced risk of recidivism. Will prepare young adults with the academic competencies and credentials needed in the 21st century labor market, including: - Providing access to high school diplomas or equivalents. - Postsecondary training. - Credentials aligned with local labor market demand. - Service learning opportunities. - Paid work-based learning that contributes to employment readiness and provides real-world learning while doing.


Vocational Education
Juvenile Diversion
Ex-Offender Employment Programs
Offers 10-week long internships for individuals with disabilities that provide vocational skills in a variety of hospital departments. At the completion of the internships, students are placed into competitive employment. Three main categories of internships: - Operations: stocking linens and supplies, dock, assembling and cleaning equipment, delivering linens/equipment, completing work orders, sanitizing, etc. - Clerical: data entry, scanning, making and receiving phone calls, alphabetizing, minimal patient interaction, shredding, using copying machines, sorting mail, etc. - Hospitality: food and beverage prep, customer service, cashiering, stocking food items, cleaning spills, catering, refilling creamer and coffee machines, catering, identifying speciality items, etc.
Provides career and technical education (CTE) courses and oversees a variety of state and federal education improvement grants for schools in the area.
Offers career and technical education to high school students and adult learners.
A free, in-school instruction program provided directly in the classroom by Independent Living Advocates, covering a wide range of important skills and topics young adults need to succeed on the "fast track" to independence. Staff instructs students in these 5 areas (and more): - Introduction to Self-Advocacy. - Job Exploration Counseling. - Counseling on Post-Secondary Education. - Workplace Readiness Training. - Work-Based Learning Experiences.
Programs that provide IT training and internships for all people, particularly women and people of color. Programs include: -YW STRIVE. -Front End Web Development. -Google IT Certification. -CompTIA A+ Certification.
Serves out-of-school youth who are from low-income communities, have dropped out of school, and are unemployed while providing them with: - Academic education. - Vocational skills training. - Personal counseling. - Positive peer support. - Leadership development. - Job placement and follow-up support. Young people spend half their time in academic programming and half learning skills in construction or urban agriculture. Participants build or rehabilitate housing for low-income families. Leadership development is a key part of the program with classes, activities, and leadership positions within the organization providing a foundation for preparing youth to play important roles in their communities.


Vocational Education
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Through the programs offered at the BACC, students learn a marketable career skill and gaining work experience which has helped students acquire entry level jobs after graduation or prepare for further education and training. Programs include (but are not limited to): Automotive Technology, Computer Systems, Culinary Arts, Cosmetology, Criminal Justice, Metalworking, Digital Media, Fire Science, and Health Occupations.
Provides a variety of women empowerment services, including: - Informational training about basic health education, rights and decision making, group formation, and more. - Teaches business skills and provides vocational training. - Provision of monthly resource booklets, and resources to counseling, health, and legal services. - Connections to local women's networks and sponsors for needed referrrals and other support.
Vocational school that offers the following career and technical education programs: Advanced Integrated Maintenance, Agriculture, Architecture Construction and Engineering, Automotive Technology, Building Trades, Computer Graphics and Multimedia Design, Cosmetology, Criminal Justice, Culinary Arts, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Fire Science, Foundations of Teaching and Advanced Teaching Methods, Health Occupations, Heavy Equipment, and Welding.