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Franciscan Outreach's three shelters provide a safe place to sleep and three meals a day. Additional services include shower facilities, clothing, onsite health clinic, mail services, 24-hour shelter access, bins and lockers for personal belongings, and a room for personal pets. Individuals will also be able to access Franciscan Outreach's other services such as case management, housing programs, support groups and certain types of healthcare services (mental healthc counseling, substance use disorder (SUD) treatment).
Pacific Garden Mission operates both a men's shelter (536-bed capacity) and a women's shelter (204-bed capacity). Both shelters come individually equipped with showers, a library with computers, transient guest day rooms, and provide clothing and three meals a day. Additional services include employment assistance, case management, bible and parenting classes, abuse support groups, and medical services.
PADS of Elgin operates a 24/7 shelter for individuals who are homeless or about to be homeless. For current guests, they also offer case management services.
Salem United Church of Christ partners with BEDS Plus to offer a short-term one night only shelter for homeless individuals. This shelter is open from October 1st to April 30th. BEDS Plus provides dinner and breakfast to individuals staying at the shelter.
Franciscan Outreach's three shelters provide a safe place to sleep and three meals a day. Additional services include shower facilities, clothing, onsite health clinic, mail services, 24-hour shelter access, bins and lockers for personal belongings, and a room for personal pets. Individuals will also be able to access Franciscan Outreach's other services such as case management, housing programs, support groups and certain types of healthcare services (mental healthc counseling, substance use disorder (SUD) treatment).
Offers emergency, overnight shelter to ensure homeless men in our community have a warm, clean, safe place to sleep. Facility holds 22 bunk beds; showers, laundry service, meals, and chapel services are provided.
Offers food, shelter, and supportive services for individuals and families who need emergency access to food, shelter, and safety. Case managers assist residents of the emergency shelter in developing an individualized “plan of action” addressing goals to move to permanent housing, access or increase income, apply for eligible benefits, etc.
Provides safe shelter, food, clothing, guest advocacy, community resources, and medical services. The Women’s shelter also provides child care. The dayroom provided is used as a warming/cooling center during extreme weather conditions.


Extreme Cold Warming Centers
Extreme Heat Cooling Centers
Homeless Shelter
Provides shelter, food, access to clothing and other material goods, as well as access to services that enable residents to gain independence.
The Bridge: Provides an emergency shelter for young men ages 14-21. The staff work with the youth and their families to solidify permanent housing, education, and an on-going support network. Maximum stay is 120 days. MELD: Provides an emergency shelter for young women ages 14-21. Services are available to both pregnant and/or parenting teens and to other young women who are homeless.
An emergency homeless shelter which provides meals, beds, showers, and laundry facilities. It is a structured program which includes rules, case management, classes, and require participation in an individual service plan.
Shelter for men experiencing homelessness. Offer 24/7 support in one of our mid-barrier homes. Clients receive 12-18 months of case management support


Homeless Shelter
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers assistance to individuals or families who are lacking economic self-sufficiency and are without a regular residence. This also includes individuals and families who are living in substandard housing possibly without heat, electricity, or water. Services include: - Temporary shelter. - 24-hour hotline services. - Transportation. - Clothing assistance. - Advocacy. - Counseling. - Food/Meals.
Provides overnight shelter to homeless individuals and families.
Services include providing shelter, food, clothing, case management, and classes (parenting, money management, job preparation, etc.) while fostering a safe, productive environment that restores dignity and promotes healing.
Offers emergency and extended stay services to homeless women and children. Each client will receive a case worker. Shelter is available for 30 days, and there is also an extended stay option for up to one year for women who wish to receive continued support.
Provides outreach, emergency shelter, and transitional living services to homeless young adults (and any dependents). Participants can receive outreach services including basic needs, life skills, employment and education prep/support, transportation, health/wellness, and additional referrals. Participants may also access emergency shelter services in the event that all other shelter options have been exhausted, or an individual is unable to access shelter for any reason. These participants will be screened for acceptance into the emergency shelter and will have follow up case management services for as long as they are enrolled in the program.
10-bed shelter for adult men. Availability is on a first come, first served basis. A meal is served nightly.
Provides supportive housing, case management and supportive services, and necessary referrals to people experiencing homelessness in the Decatur/Macon County area. - Centralized intake location for the Macon County Continuum of Care. - Transitional housing in Decatur for families and individuals. - Permanent Supportive Housing for individuals and families who are homeless, have a diagnosable disability and need continued support services. All Homeless persons are eligible for these services: - Intensive case management. - Linkage to job training and employment. - GED classes. - Health services. - Alcohol and other drug abuse treatment. - Mental health services. - Budget counseling. - Parenting classes. - Life Skills classes.


Homeless Shelter
Case/Care Management
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides overnight shelter, dinner, and breakfast for all men, women, and children.
Provides overnight shelter and supportive services to people over the age of 18. Its primary goal is to assist those in an immediate housing crisis get reconnected as quickly as possible to housing in the community.
The Bridge: Provides an emergency shelter for young men ages 14-21. The staff work with the youth and their families to solidify permanent housing, education, and an on-going support network. Maximum stay is 120 days. MELD: Provides an emergency shelter for young women ages 14-21. Services are available to both pregnant and/or parenting teens and to other young women who are homeless.
Offers coordinated assessments to individuals and families experiencing homelessness or are at-risk. Comprehensive services include: - Day Resource Center: Offers assessment for services and case management for people experiencing homelessness. Provides counseling, a mailing address, basic needs and hygiene products. - Emergency Overnight Shelter (Open October 1 through April 30) Offers a temporary place for people to sleep every night from October to April. Clients receive dinner, breakfast in the morning, and a sack lunch to take with them. - Outreach Program: Provides outreach to individuals who are experiencing homelessness but are resistant to services. Offers supportive services in their current environment. - Supportive Housing: Offers permanent housing for individuals with mental illnesses. Provides 24/7 supportive services on-site by clinical professionals. - Prevention and Diversion Program: Offers case management services for people who are on the verge of homelessness.
Emergency Shelter Provides emergency shelter for boys and youth identifying as boys, ages 14-17. Serves eight boys at a time with maximum stay of 120 days. Offers support and guidance to plan next steps. Transitional Housing Provides transitional living program for young adults of any gender, ages 18-23. Serves six young adults for up to two years. Also offers two emergency beds for young adults.
Overnight shelter for women and children. Evening meal provided Oct 1-Apr 30. One night per week, members of the Macon County Chat Team come to help make sure people are finding needed resources.